California Tourism

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Located 200 miles east of San Francisco is one of the most popular parks in the US Yosemite National Park. This park receives over 3 million tourists each year all eager to explore the charming landscape, steep cliffs and attractive waterfalls the place has on offer. Mountain climbers, especially the famous El Captain by 3500ft vertical granite wall between the popular Yosemite National Park.

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However, 308 283 ha park, Yosemite Valley, tourists, the most famous part extends 7 miles square. Park from May to early September since February that were visited in early spring. Yosemite National Park entrance fee is $ 20 per vehicle and is valid for seven days. If you pollution and natural attractions to the park and of course remain free to maintain uniformity, but itself in order to provide parking parking, shuttle buses available, one of the most popular sites with the title Free encourage change.

california tourism imagecalifornia tourism

The park in Yosemite Valley the only place you are allowed to buy food. All main roads are good and well maintained, although the beautiful snow plowed during the season, the National Park Service management of all drivers driving private vehicles to carry tire chains are waiting. Is very common, especially in high traffic at the entrance, however, it is always worth keeping in mind the major attractions await you.
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